Kenneth hagin healing 2
Kenneth hagin healing 2

kenneth hagin healing 2 kenneth hagin healing 2

(Held in conjunction with Winter Bible Seminar) RHEMA Bible Training Center admits students of any race, color, or ethnic origin.Ĭ e n t e r Please share with a friend or recycle. God Wants to Heal You! My favorite passage of scripture when I preach on the subject of healing is Mark 5:25–34-the story of the woman with the issue of blood. This is an outstanding account of an individual who was determined to receive a healing from the Lord. If you remember the story, this woman was in a desperate situation.

kenneth hagin healing 2

She had been sick with a bleeding disorder for 12 years. She had gone to all the doctors of her day, and they had done everything they could to help her.

Kenneth hagin healing 2